Seventy-one new students were welcomed to the UTMB Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences during the annual Community of Scholars ceremony at 9:30 a.m. Aug. 21 in UTMB’s Levin Hall.
Sponsored by the Graduate Student Organization, the event featured a keynote address by professor Giulio Taglialatela entitled “Welcome to the Dawn of your Scientific Career!” Taglialatela, recipient of the student group’s 2013 Outstanding Teacher Award, described the investigative process and explain what new students and their mentors should expect from each other.
Brian Mann, president of the GSO, and Cary Cooper, dean of the graduate school, welcomed the group to campus and the start of their new scientific careers. Robert Fader, president of the GSBS Associate Executive Committee discussed the availability of alumni as a resource.
Alina Bennett of the medical humanities and population health sciences programs, Ryan Miller of the neuroscience program and Tiffany Mott of the microbiology and immunology program provided insight into what it takes to succeed in the GSBS, what pitfalls to avoid and how to find fun along the way.
Symbolizing the pursuit of science and scholarship, pins bearing the image of an open book and leather portfolios were given out by GSO treasurer Sergio Rodriguez and GSO secretary Heather Evans.
The ceremony concluded with a recitation of the Graduate Student Code of Conduct, led by GSO vice president David Briley.
A reception followed in the Graduate School offices in Levin Hall.