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Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy Equipment

Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope

(need picture of FOI setup)

Fiberoptic endotracheal intubation is an essential technique to master as an anaesthesiology resident. It can be used when the patient's neck cannot be manipulated, as when the cervical spine is not stable or if the patient has limited mouth opening. It can also be used when it is not possible to visualize the vocal cords because of distorted airway anatomy (tumors, abcesses, trauma, etc.). Fiberoptic intubation can be performed either awake with airway topicalization and sedation or under general anesthesia. It can be performed either as the initial management of a patient known to have a difficult airway, or as a backup technique after direct laryngoscopy has been unsuccessful.

Insert video on care of FOI equipment, could link to powerpoint on how to intubate