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Apps: "I've got the coolest app for that"

Held Monday Nov. 28 and Dec. 3, 2012

We held two pediatric app parties, during which some of the best apps used here at UTMB where shared. In preparation, attendees viewed the video, 10 must have ipad apps to get a feel for what to expect. If you like that video, check out the entire web site at http://www.bestappsite.com/.

We shared some cool apps in variety of subject areas, the most popular being weight management, music entertainment, and medical apps. Highlights from our Pediatric community include:

Personal Health Management

Personal Hobbies & Entertainment

Medical Field


Lose It! - manage weight and activity

Pandora - music

Epocrates - drug database

Gas Buddy - find close cheap gas

Fitbit - manage weight, sleep and activity

iHeartRadio - music

PubSaavy - evidence based search tool

Yelp - find food, fun in any city

Sleep Time - manage sleep

Songza - music

Pedi STAT - medical information

INRIX Traffic - traffic assistance


Lmdb - Movie database

AAP Red Book - Free with subscription

Urbanspooon - find food in any city


Bird USA - for birding

Healthy Children.Org

RepairPal: Auto




Southwest - airline travel