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There are two groups of items. Match the items in group 1 with the items in group 2.

Group 1:
12 year-old/ female 42 kg/ 50% 151 cm/ 50%
12 year-old/ female 52 kg/ 75-90% 151 cm/ 50%
16 year-old/ female 78 kg/ 95% 160 cm/ 25-50%
16 year-old/ female 63kg/ 75-90% /160 cm/ 25-50%
4 year-old/ male/ 18kg/ 75% /102 cm/ 50%
4 year-old/ male 20kg/ 95% 102 cm/ 50%
12 year-old/ male 42kg/ 50% 155 cm/ 75%

Group 2:
18.4 - normal
22.8 - overweight
19.2 -- obese
30.5 - obese
17.5 -- normal
24.6 - normal

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