Day-2: Thursday, October 12, 2017
08:00 AM – 05:00 PM
Posters, publications and art work from students, organizations, and immigrant children
08:30 AM – 10:15 AM
Plenary session (C): Beyond healthcare: what shapes migrants health?
- Social determinants of immigrants’ health
- Non-health policies that shape immigrants health
- Examples for cross-sector actions
- Alexandra (Lexi) Nolen - Vice-President for Impact, Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF)
- Maria Gudelia Rangel Gomez Coordinator of the Comprehensive Strategy for Migrant Health in the Mexico Ministry of Health and the Delegate to the U.S.-México Border Health Commission (USMBHC)
- TBC - Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- Victoria Gass; Policy Advisor, Central America, Oxfam America
- Marc Schenker - Distinguished Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Division of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of California (UC David Health)
10:15 AM
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Parallel Session (4): Employment and employment conditions
- Shannon Guilot-Wright – Community Health Research Fellow, Center to Eliminate Health Disparities, UTMB
Parallel Session (5): documentation and Legal status
- TBC - Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative
Parallel Session (6): Education
- Jeffrey Temple - Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UTMB
12:00 PM
01:00 PM – 02:00 PM
Exhibition tour
- All participants are invited to vote for posters and artwork
02:00 PM – 03:00 PM
Conference synthesis
- Premal Patel; Associate Director at Center for Global Health Education and Assistant Professor at Department of Internal Medicine, UTMB
- Michael Goodman; Instructor, Department of Internal Medicine, UTMB
- Representatives from the documentation committee
03:00 – 03:15
03:15 PM – 04:45 PM
Panel discussion (2)
- How to address the gaps that were highlighted in the synthesis (in relation to policies, practices and structures)?
- What are some opportunities to use to address these gaps?
- What are the challenges and how to overcome them?
- Hani Serag, Health System Research Fellow at Center to Eliminate Health Disparities, and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Department of Pediatrics, UTMB
- TBD - Legislator
- William Tierney, Chair of Population Health and Professor of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas at Austin – Dell Medical School
- Christine Kovic - Associate Professor of Anthropology, Undiverts of Houston – Clear Lake (UHCL)
- Jason Glenn – Chair, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Women Center
04:45 PM – 05:15
Closing remarks: what is next?
- Ben G. Raimer, MD, MA, FAAP; Senior Vice President, Health Policy and Legislative Affairs, University of Texas Medical Brach (TMB)
- Marcelo Korc, MPH; Senior advisor for Sustainable Development, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
- Alexandra (Lexi) Nolen, PhD, MPH; Vice-President for Impact, Episcopal Health Foundation (EHF)
- Victoria Gass; Policy Advisor, Central America, Oxfam America