Scientific Integrity Training

PREP scholars will experience a variety of formal learning experiences that will instill in them knowledge about responsible conduct of research and scientific ethics generally.

These are as follows:

  • During a week in the second term of each year, PREP students are required to take a GSBS intensive, formal course, Ethics of Scientific Research (MEHU 6101) that is directed by faculty in UTMB's Institute for Medical Humanities (IMH). The IMH faculty and numerous other UTMB faculty members provide lectures, lead panel discussions, and facilitate small group discussions using case scenarios and extensive required reading. Small group discussions are prevalent, and the topics addressed include authorship, plagiarism, honesty, accuracy, data handling, intellectual property, and professional responsibility. For the group activities, we will give the students the option of joining a PREP specific discussion group lead by a PREP faculty mentor or joining a general group based on their preference.

  • All UTMB students are required to undergo annual compliance training. Courses can be taken online and require 30-90 minutes each to complete.

  • UTMB offers MS and PhD training in its Clinical Science graduate program. As part of the curriculum, a section of the course Clinical Research Tools and Techniques is entitled "Regulation and Ethics in Clinical Research". We will require PREP students conducting clinical or translational research to take this section of the course.

  • In addition to the formal coursework, discussions in monthly Career Quest workshops will be devoted to a topic that addresses and emphasizes the "responsible conduct of research