Group photo on dock

Welcome, residents!

I wanted to share our first class of PGY-1 Emergency Medicine residents. They will take on leadership roles from the start and will forge paths for our future classes. Both the first and future classes will commence and continue building community relationships and partnerships throughout the UTMB system and with our rich connections, including: 

  • Aerospace medicine  

  • Maritime medicine 

  • Polar medicine 

  • Disaster response 

  • Bedside ultrasound 

  • Level 1 trauma and burn hospitals. 

  • Pediatric ED 

  • Emerging infectious diseases 

We are excited about the academic and research opportunities our newly established department and residency will bring to UTMB Galveston and look forward to a dynamic, successful year! 

—Vanessa Phillips, residency coordinator,
Business Coordinator, Department of Emergency Medicine 

Headshots of men and women with names under each
