Institute for Bioethics & Health Humanities Events

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Neurodiverse and Autistic Adolescent Patients Transitioning to Adulthood: Legal and Ethical Considerations

Edgar H. and Lillye Mae Vaughn Lectureship in Medical Philosophy and Morality

Neurodiverse and Autistic Adolescent Patients Transitioning to Adulthood:
Legal and Ethical Considerations



Nanette Elster, JD, MPH
Associate Professor
Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics and Health Policy
Loyola University Chicago
    Stritch School of Medicine

Kayhan Parsi, JD, PhD, HEC-C
Professor, Bioethics & Health Policy
Director, Graduate Program in Bioethics
Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics
Loyola University Chicago



Wednesday, June 28, 2023
4:00pm - 5:00pm

Jennie Sealy Room 2.506A

Reception to Follow


Autistic and neurodiverse adolescents who are transitioning into young adulthood face a number of challenges.  Traditionally, the focus of researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders has been on autistic children.  However, there is growing interest in the challenges facing neurodiverse autistic young adults .  Although children are entitled to services related to their diagnosis, autistic adults  are only eligible for services.  This distinction is a major one that creates significant challenges, legally, ethically and socially. This presentation will discuss some of the challenges raised by key markers in the transition to adulthood such as housing, post-secondary education and sexuality and reproduction.


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Neurodiverse and Autistic Adolescent Patients Transitioning to Adulthood: Legal and Ethical Considerations
, 2023 - -
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Reproductive Ethics Conference

-, 2025 - -

The Ninth Annual Reproductive Ethics Conference will be held Jan. 9 and 10, 2025, in Galveston. Abstracts for individual presentations, panels, and posters are accepted through Aug. 1, 2024.