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Fungus Culture - CSF (088-0014)
Test Mnemonic:


Specimen Requirements:
  1. Clean the puncture site with antiseptic solution and alcohol before needle insertion.

  2. Insert a needle with stylet at the L3-L4 or L4-L5 or L5-S1 interspaced.  When the subarachnoid space is reached, remove the stylet and spinal fluid will appear in the needle hub.

  3. Slowly drain the CSF into the sterile leak-proof tubes.  Three separate tubes are generally required for Microbiology, Hematology, and Chemistry testing.  The second tube will generally go to Microbiology and the third to Hematology.  Specimens for viral culture are sent on ice.


Sterile tube

Minimum Volume:

0.5 ml


 Room temperature or refrigerate

Specimen Preparation:

Tube #2 is usually for microbiology tests


 48 hours

Causes for Rejection:

Insufficient volume, swabs

Reference Range:

No growth

Turnaround Time:

3 weeks


Culture for the isolation and identification of yeast and molds


Clinical Microbiology


CSF, fungus culture

Clinical Indication:

Suspected CSF infection with yeast or mold

Patient Preparation :

Refer to general section of LSG for collection instructions

CPT 4 Code:

87102, additional codes if indicated


Order Cryptococcus antigen test separately test, if clinically indicated. Antifungal susceptibility testing is performed when yeast is isolated.

Positive culture results are considered a critical value and notification will be performed upon recognition of the positive result, first occurrence.

When ordering tests for which Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement will be sought, physicians should only order tests that are medically necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of the patient. Components of the organ or disease panels may be ordered individually. The diagnostic information must substantiate all tests ordered and must be in the form of an ICD-10 code or its verbal equivalent.
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