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TYPE and CROSSMATCH (10005511, 10005512, 10005502 and 10005515, 10005516, or 10005517)
Test Mnemonic:


Specimen Requirements:
Test Included:

ABO, Rh, and IAT testing of patient blood; and compatibility testing of donor units with patient


Routine venipuncture


Lavender-topped tube (EDTA)

Minimum Volume:

3mL;  additional specimens may be required if antibody screen is positive


Ambient temperature on day of collection; refrigerate if delayed

Causes for Rejection:

Specimen improperly labeled, requisition incomplete, serum separator tube, gross hemolysis, frozen sample, failure to identify phlebotomist and verifier

Reference Range:

O, A, B, or AB blood group;  Rh positive or negative;  negative antibody screen; crossmatch compatible.

Turnaround Time:

STAT:  1 hour if antibody screen is negative and there is no history of clinically significant antibodies;  Routine:  2 hours if antibody screen is negative and there is no history of clinically significant antibodies;  4 or more hours if antibody screen is positive or there is a history of clinically significant antibodies




Specimens are accepted 24 hours per day at the Blood Bank lab, 4.404 Clinical Services Wing (CSW).


Type and Compatibility Testing, Crossmatch, Type and Hold, Incompatibility Testing

CPT 4 Code:

86900, 86901, 86850 and 86920, 86922, or 86923


All requests must include requesting physician’s name and ID  number, patient’s complete name, UH number, current account number,  patient location, clinical information/diagnosis, identity of phlebotomist and verifier, and date/time of sample collection.   The specimen must be labeled with the patient’s full name and UH number.  Specimens should be transported to the laboratory in a biohazard specimen bag with the request form in the pocket of the bag.  All information must be complete and legible on the specimen and the requisition.

When ordering tests for which Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement will be sought, physicians should only order tests that are medically necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of the patient. Components of the organ or disease panels may be ordered individually. The diagnostic information must substantiate all tests ordered and must be in the form of an ICD-10 code or its verbal equivalent.
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