Continuing Education

All Laboratory Services' faculty, residents, employees, and volunteers are required to attend and complete all applicable inservice education, training, and/or licensing courses as defined and required by UTMB, the University of Texas System, the Joint Commission, licensing and regulatory agencies, and state and federal law.

Certain training is considered a condition of employment. New employees must complete their compliance training requirements within 30 days of their hire date. Employees who do not complete training within specified time will be suspended without pay until such training is completed.

The fiscal year starts September1 and goes through August 31 of the next year.

It is the employee's responsibility to complete their assigned online training via UTMB Enterprise Learning Management (ELM) System.

DOCUMENTATION: All completed training requirements, with the exception of online training must be documented in the Personnel Administration database on the Pathology server. Give all attendance records to your Chief Technologist, Chief Pathology Resident, or person in your division delegated to enter training documentation. If your attendance was not documented in the database or you cannot produce documentation of training, you may be required to repeat the training.

Below is a listing of the most commonly required training, it is not all inclusive. Each employee must check the UTMB Online Training site for their specific requirements. UTMB may assign additional training based on the job description.

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