"Homeward Bound"
(Discharge Planning)

Systems Based Practice

  Practice Guidelines


Discharge Planning


Professional Organizations


Which of these issues should be addressed first?

  1. ( Correct ) Can Brian receive adequate care in his home environment (i.e. giving him his mediations correctly, trach care, feeding him via gastrostomy etc.)?

  2. Who will pay for Brian’s care?

  3. Will Brian need in-home medical support?

  4. Who will his doctor be?

  5. What are his therapy needs?

  6. What are his medication, equipment and supply needs?

  7. How will Brian travel from the hospital to his home?

A critical, but often overlooked issue, is whether or not children with complex medical needs can receive the care they need in their home environment.  While assessment of the other issues may be ongoing, this first issue must be addressed before detailed discharge planning can be finalized.

