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Effective Email Communication Tips

  1. REMEMBER: any email can be forwarded, without your permission.
  2. Avoid emotional content. (Wait 24 hours to send and emotionally charged email)
    • Consider when a phone call or face to face might be more appropriate.
  3. Proof your messages. 
    • If you have the time, wait 24 hours to proof, or get a colleague to proof your email before it goes out.
  4. Consider to whom you want to/need to send this message. Be considerate of reply and reply all.
  5. Include only one topic per email, subjects are great ways to sort and search Email.
  6. Create the subject line text thoughtfully.
    • Does the subject line match the content?
    • Does the subject line help the reader?
  7. Place questions/requests at the top or bottom of the message, not buried in the middle.
  8. Consider what your signature line says about you.1
  9. Consider what message you give if you never respond.2
    • Use Out-of-Office appropriately.
  10. REMEMBER AGAIN: any email can be forwarded, without your permission.

more information

1. Using Outlook Out of Office Assistant

2. Using Outlook Signatures