IHOP | Official Governance Table of Contents

The policies in this section have been vetted through the review and approval process in accordance with The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston’s Institutional Handbook of Operating Procedures (IHOP), established under the guidelines of The University of Texas System, Board of Regent’s Rules.

UTMB Policies and Procedures - Table of Contents
Policy Title Category
IHOP - 01.01.01 - Institutional Mission Statement of the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) SECTION 1: Official Governance 3 System.Byte[]
IHOP - 01.01.02 - Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents SECTION 1: Official Governance 3 System.Byte[]
IHOP - 01.01.03 - Institutional Policy Development Approval and Maintenance SECTION 1: Official Governance 3 System.Byte[]
IHOP - 01.01.04 - Intellectual Property and the Office of Technology Transfer SECTION 1: Official Governance 3 System.Byte[]