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Ms. Burkley Volunteers with Nashville Food Bank While Attending ACGME

Apr 4, 2023, 11:34 AM by UTMB Surgery

Debra Burkley, Coordinator II for Urology, attended the Annual Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education in Nashville, Tennessee. The Urology Residency program is sponsored by this organization. While in attendance, she had the opportunity during her professional development to participate in packaging 700 plus meals for the Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee.


Message from Ms. Burkley: 

"I felt so excited to participate through volunteering in this ACGME partnership, making a positive difference in Tennessee. This dedicated time as a volunteer allowed me to feel part of this collaborative team effort by meeting and networking with others outside of Texas.  Volunteering is so rewarding. This is a part of my life’s motto ‘To live is to serve others’."