Release Date: 2024-11-21
01. Custom page meta keywords issue resolved.
The issue with page meta keywords not rendering in-page has now been resolved.

02. Sitemap nav list-numbered styling added.
The "Sitemap" template view of the Navigation widget has been updated to include number ordered list styling by applying the list-numbered
CSS Classname on the Navigation widget. Files affected include:
- NavigationView.Sitemap.cshtml

03. Categories Mobile Dropdown Menu added.
The categories list view widget has been extended to include a mobile dropdown menu option by adding the mobi-dropdown
CSS classname to the categories widget.
- HierarchicalTaxonomy.CategoriesList.cshtml
- HierarchicalTaxonomy.CategoriesListDropdown.cshtml
04. Tags Mobile Dropdown Menu option added.
The tags list view widget has been extended to include a mobile dropdown menu option by adding the mobi-dropdown
CSS classname to the tags widget.
- FlatTaxonomy.CloudList.cshtml
- FlatTaxonomy.Dropdown.cshtml
- FlatTaxonomy.SimpleList.cshtml
- FlatTaxonomy.TagCloud.cshtml
05. List button colors update to include all new web colors.
The link list button colors have been extended to include all offical UTMB web colors.
06. List item icon colors bug fix (list-item-icon-*) .
The custom color classes for list items icons have been repaired and work as expected.
07. List item button nested icon colors inherit text color.
The default color for icon nested inside of list link buttons have been modified to inherit the default text color rather than the dark gray text color previously assigned. The list item icon color classes still apply color to these nested icons as expected.

08. Blog modal option removed.
The blog post custom field "ModalContent" has been removed. Files affected include:
- Detail.DetailPage.cshtml
- List.BlogArticleSlider.cshtml
- List.BlogPostList.cshtml
- List.BlogPostSlider.cshtml
- List.BlogTitleDate.cshtml
- List.BlogTitleDateFullContent.cshtml
- List.BlogTitleDateSummary.cshtml
- List.BlogTitleOnly.cshtml
- List.LinkCardTitleDate.cshtml
- List.LinkCardTitleDateFullContent.cshtml
- List.LinkCardTitleDateSummary.cshtml
- List.LinkCardTitleOnly.cshtml
09. RedirectUrl2 override removed.
The blog post custom field "RedirectUrl2" override link intended to override the "RedirectUrl" field in special circumstances has been removed. Files affected include:
- Detail.DetailPage.cshtml
- List.BlogArticleSlider.cshtml
- List.BlogPostList.cshtml
- List.BlogPostSlider.cshtml
- List.BlogTitleDate.cshtml
- List.BlogTitleDateFullContent.cshtml
- List.BlogTitleDateSummary.cshtml
- List.BlogTitleOnly.cshtml
- List.LinkCardTitleDate.cshtml
- List.LinkCardTitleDateFullContent.cshtml
- List.LinkCardTitleDateSummary.cshtml
- List.LinkCardTitleOnly.cshtml
10. Deprecated navigation menu view templates removed.
The deprecated "List Drop Downs" and "Nav List Drop Downs" navigation menu view templates were removed. Files affected include:
- NavigationView.ListDropDowns.cshtml
- NavigationView.NavListDropDowns.cshtml