Nutrition in Infancy, Childhood and Youth:  Foundations for Life

Patricia S. Beach MD, Krystal Revai MD MPH,  Virginia Niebuhr PhD
Department of Pediatrics
University of Texas Medical Branch

This module is intended for pediatric health professionals,
pediatric residents, medical students in pediatrics,
and others with a healthy curiosity about
the principles of good nutrition during the growing years.

link here for goals and objectives related to the UTMB Pediatric clerkship

link here for goals and objectives related to the UTMB Pediatric residency program

Acknowledgements:  This module was prepared with support from the Department of Health and Human Services,
Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions (D54HP01072). 
The authors wish to thank David Rassin PhD and Connie Baldwin PhD for assistance in critical review and module preparation.

copyright 2006;  last updated 01/02/2012