Congratulations to Thao Hoang on being selected as a winner of the Sealy Center on Aging’s 2023 Forum on Aging Student Poster Competition! The Forum on Aging allows faculty, fellows, and students to showcase their research and inform the UTMB community
about the aging research being conducted. It is also a great networking event and opportunity to learn about the research resources available from the Sealy Center on Aging and Research Services. Monetary awards for best student and fellow posters
are sponsored by the Sealy Center on Aging, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Women’s Health, and Sigma Xi.
Thao received the award for her poster, “Oropharyngeal cancer regional differences among older adults in the United States”. She is currently a graduate student in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Abbey Berenson, Director and
Founder of CIRWH, serves as the Chair of her dissertation committee. Pictured with her are two of her mentors, Dr. Rebeca Wong (left) and Dr. James Goodwin (right).