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Education & Training Archiving and Sharing Data

Activities Supported by the Center

Archive of Data on Disability to Enable Policy and research (ADDEP)

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The Archive of Data on Disability to Enable Policy and research (ADDEP) is a new initiative to build a repository of data on disability and rehabilitation. The mission of ADDEP is to improve and enable research among researchers, policymakers, and practitioners by providing access to disability and rehabilitation data.

ADDEP data can be used to better understand and inform the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability policies with the goal of improving the lives and conditions of people with disabilities.

In addition to providing access to data for research and analysis, ADDEP strives to offer user support and community outreach to enable data to be optimally used by the widest audience.

2016.04.05 - Video: An Introduction to Data Sharing at ICPSR and the Archive of Data on Disability to Enable Policy and Research (ADDEP)

An Introduction to Data Sharing at ICPSR and the Archive of Data on Disability to Enable Policy and Research (ADDEP)

April 2016 AOTA CLDR Pre-Conference Institute. Presented by George Alter, PhD, Professor & Director, ICPSR, University of Michigan

The CLDR is funded by the National Institutes of Health (grant# P2CHD065702). See About Us for more details.

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