Hundreds of people came out to participate in UTMB’s revived Causeway Fund Run benefitting the School of Health Professions scholarships. More than 700 people had registered to participate as of the day before the event and many more registered on the spot Saturday morning. It was a great success!
Elizabeth Protas, dean of the school, said “What a special thrill it was to run or walk the Galveston Causeway. Everyone was in great spirits and had a good time, despite the cold weather and heavy head winds going up. Going down was a breeze with the wind at our backs. Everyone who participated in the Kids’ 1K did a great job. The School of Health Professions students are very grateful for everyone’s support. Thanks for all of our volunteers who made this event possible.”
UTMB Drs.Ben and Sharon Raimer were honored as the special recipients of the twenty-second annual Leonora Kempner Thompson Community Enrichment Award. Sponsored by, and benefiting Galveston’s Grand 1894 Opera House, the event included a cocktail reception, dinner on stage, and an award presentation at The Grand.
In 1992, The Grand’s Board of Directors chose to establish an annual event to honor an individual or individuals who had contributed to the enrichment of the community in the spirit of Leonora Kempner Thompson. They voted to name the annual award in her honor and selected her as the first recipient.
“It goes without saying… Doctors Ben and Sharon Raimer are, indeed, the epitome of what this Community Enrichment Award is all about. This incredible couple has given generously, tirelessly, and with great enthusiasm and love - not only to their own families and to their patients , but also to their extended family - this community. How fortunate we are to have the opportunity to honor them,” said Maureen Patton, executive director of The Grand 1894 Opera House.
UTMB faculty made 12 oral presentations. They won three research excellence awards for the following:
“The effect of maternal pravastatin therapy on adverse neurologic outcomes of the offspring in a murine model of preeclampsia” by UTMB’s Alissa Carver, Esther Tamayo, J. Regino Perez-Polo, George Saade and Maged Costantine
“The effect of prenatal pravastatin treatment on altered fetal programming of cardiovascular function in a preeclampsia-like murine model” by Mollie McDonnold, Esther Tamayo, Talar Kechichian, Reyana Urrabaz-Garza, Monica Longo, George Saade and Maged Costantine
“High-risk papillomavirus at entry to prenatal care and risk of preeclampsia,” Mollie McDonnold, Holly Dunn, A. Hester, Luis Pacheco, Gary Hankins, George Saade and Maged Costantine.
The Support Staff Professionals Organization held a Happy Hats for Kids hat drive throughout the month of January. They delivered the hats to Shriners and the UTMB children on February 13 and February 20. The children enjoyed looking through all of them and picking out that one “special” hat! Smiles were had by all!
Following testimony by Dr. Michael Wilkerson, SB 329 was passed out of committee and now goes before the full Texas Senate for consideration. This bill would ban tanning for Texans who are under the age of 18 years old. Dr. Wilkerson is currently President of the Texas Dermatological Society and Associate Professor of Dermatology at UTMB.