I am pleased to announce UTMB Health and UT SELECT, a PPO plan administered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, are partnering again this year to offer free flu shots to all employees, retirees and volunteers.

The flu vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent the spread of influenza and is now available in Galveston and mainland locations.

Vaccination is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older, unless prohibited for medical reasons. It is especially important for people at greater risk for serious complications from the flu, including young children, older adults, pregnant women and those with chronic health conditions such as asthma, diabetes and heart disease, to get vaccinated.

Please be advised all health care workers, or anyone who provides direct patient care, enters patient rooms and/or comes within six feet of patients in the course of his or her duties, must get a flu shot or formally decline the vaccination by signing this statement. Those who choose not to be vaccinated may be reassigned to other duties or asked to wear a mask when providing patient care for the duration of the flu season.

For more information about this year’s Flu Free vaccination program and a complete list of vaccination locations, please refer to the Employee Health Clinic web page.

Thank you for getting vaccinated and reducing the risk of illness for your patients, co-workers and community.

Dr. David L. Callender