The new UT System-required Conflicts of Interest, Conflicts of Commitment, and Outside Activities policy, first announced by Dr. Callender in January, is now in effect. The policy applies to all employees and is designed to provide a transparent system of disclosure, approval and documentation of outside activities. In brief, the policy:

  • Introduces a new process for full-time faculty and exempt employees to gain required prior approval before engaging in certain outside activities defined in the policy.
  • Requires employees to disclose outside activities.
  • Outlines activities that are no longer permissible and defines monetary thresholds for some types of outside activity.
  • Requires training for researchers that will be available in person and online. Optional training for non-research employees will be offered and is recommended.
Additional information pertaining to the policy may be found on UTMB’s Conflicts of Interest Office website. 
UTMB employees may now go to the UT System website to complete a Prior Approval request for outside activities:
2. Select UTMB as your school of record
3. Enter your UTMB username and password
UTMB employees engaged in research activities who have completed the required training must log on to the website to complete the required disclosure before March 31, 2014.
If you are a supervisor or manager of other UTMB employees, you may be required in the future to approve a Prior Approval request form submitted by an employee. Please take a moment now to log into the website and enter your UTMB credentials. This will ensure proper routing of any Prior Approval request by your employees.
Thank you for taking time to learn more about this important new policy and for honoring UTMB’s core value of integrity in your daily work to fulfill UTMB’s mission. If you have any questions, please contact the UTMB Conflicts of Interest Office at