September 21, 2010

The beauty of nature

Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the environment. Help us share the beauty of nature by sending in your favorite Earth Day photos. Photos can be taken on or off campus and will be showcased in the April 27th edition of Impact in honor of Earth Day. Please send all photos to by Friday April 23.

Patient Advocacy Week

UTMB patient advocates support patients and their families by emphasizing neutrality, collaboration and problem resolution combined with their... read article »

 April 13, 2010

Dr. Big Brother

Dr. Bernard F. Godley, chairman of the department of ophthalmology and visual sciences at UTMB, recently was appointed to a prestigious... read article »

And the survey says . . .

Results are in from the customer satisfaction surveys launched within the UTMB Business and Finance enterprise late last year. The goal... read article »

Addiction: Saving lives through research

Drug addiction is a chronic, progressive disease that knows no bounds. It ravages the lives of people of every age, race and... read article »

Contact Impact

Contact Impact

Impact is UTMB’s bi-weekly newsletter focused on celebrating the accomplishments of UTMB’s faculty, staff and students.

Please send all inquiries to We hope you enjoy reading Impact and look forward to hearing from you!

In your shoes

Delivering equipment and supply items across the UTMB campus can be a daunting task for UTMB’s Department of Logistics and Delivery with... read article »

Showcasing 120 years of nursing

UTMB's School of Nursing recently celebrated its 120th anniversary with an exhibit at the Moody Medical Library.  The library exhibit,... read article »