September 21, 2010

Copycat security

CBS news recently ran a story on digital copy machine security, which has generated a lot of inquiries and concerns at UTMB.  Since 2002, most enterprise... find out more »

Walking on Sunshine a big hit

More than 1,200 UTMB employees participated in  "Walk the Walk" in recognition of National Employee Health & Fitness Day on May 19. read article »

Research trainee poster day

The Department of Pathology held its annual research trainee poster day in Levin Hall on May 4 to highlight outstanding... more »

 June 1, 2010

Gold-Headed Cane finalists

The School of Medicine has announced the five finalists who were selected by their peers in the graduating class to receive the... read article »

UTMB’s emerging leaders rise to the top

“He who chooses the beginning of a road chooses the place it leads to. It is the means that determines the end.”... read article »

UTMB volunteers were part of the 2010 sailing crew for  Elissa’s annual Sea Trials in March. From left to right: Kay Sandor, SON; Velinda Love, Radiology; Judy Glaister, SON retired;  Heidi Spratt, Preventive Medicine and Community Health; Adrian Recinos, Internal Medicine; Dennis Dornfest, Radiology; Linda Flores, Med. School Alum; Richard Hodge, Sealy Center for Environmental Health and Medicine; Missing from photo: Michael Wonio, Pathology Research; John Clewlow, Radiation Oncology.

Contact Impact

Contact Impact

Impact is UTMB’s bi-weekly newsletter focused on celebrating the accomplishments of UTMB’s faculty, staff and students.

Please send all inquiries to We hope you enjoy reading Impact and look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Lauree Thomas

Dr. Lauree Thomas, associate dean for student affairs and admissions in the School of Medicine, has more than 17 years of experience in medical education, teaching and recruitment of students. Since joining UTMB, Thomas has been successful in recruiting a very diverse student body where... more »

National Police Week

The UTMB Police Department held a meet and greet in the lobby of John Sealy during National Police Week to help spread the word about crime prevention to the UTMB community.  view the slideshow »