Achieving Data Quality and Integrity in Maximum Containment  Laboratories — Nonclinical CourseFDA-UTMB Collaborative Education Program

Graduate Credit

Are you interested in earning graduate credit for Achieving Data Quality & Integrity in Maximum Containment Laboratories?

The Nonclinical Course now offers a 2-credit hour graduate credit for registered UTMB students. Please note: Tuition fees will be applied for all students seeking graduate credit for this course.

Course Requirements:

  1. Online Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) prerequisite course and quiz with 80% passing grade. (8-hour online course)
  2. In-person attendance at the 4.5-day course on April 15 – April 19, 2024, at the UTMB Health Education Center (HEC).
  3. One-page reflective essay following completion of the course.

Note: You must hold a Baccalaureate or equivalent or higher degree to attend this course for graduate credit.


  1. Grading will be on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. A grade of satisfactory will be dependent on attendance of the student at all discussion sessions and providing a one-page reflective summary at the end of the course.

Registration Process:

  1. If you are a current UTMB graduate student:
    1. Reach out to your graduate advisor to indicate you would like to take this course for graduate credit.
    2. Reach out to us at to indicate you would like to take this course for graduate credit AND fill out the pre-registration form for the Nonclinical course here.
    3. Register for the course in MyStar by March 10th, 2025. If you decide to drop the course, you must do this prior to March 10th, 2025.

    Course Travel:

    Limited funding is available to support travel to the course for graduate students. If you are interested in funding for travel, please contact Katherine Rosen at  

    Note: If you are Post-Doctoral UTMB student, please reach out to Sara Dann at prior to completing the above process.

  2. If you are a non-UTMB Gulf Coast Consortia School (GCC) student (University of Houston, Rice University, UT Health, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas A&M IBT):
      1. Reach out to your graduate advisor to indicate you would like to take this course for graduate credit AND Pre-register for the in-person Nonclinical course.
      2. Fill out the Gulf Coast Consortium Inter-Institutional Agreement Course Permission form to register for the course in the UTMB system by March 4th, 2024. For information about the GCC, please visit Gulf Coast Consortia.
      3. Reach out to Katherine Rosen at to indicate you would like to take this course for graduate credit. Register at
  3. If you are a non-UTMB student (including those enrolled in other colleges/universities, those not enrolled in any academic program, FDA/other government agency course attendees and others):
    1. Complete a Non-Degree Seeking Student Application at BioMedCAS | Applicant Login Page Section ( For other useful information about applying, please visit: Instructions to Apply ( For tuition and fee information, please visit: Tuition and Fee Sheets ( Once accepted, all students must complete a background check and drug test. This does not apply to current UTMB students.
    2. Reach out to Katherine Rosen at to indicate you would like to take this course for graduate credit AND pre-register for the in-person Nonclinical course.

Highlighted Speakers

Other Scientific Symposiumsin Galveston, TX

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