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General Surgery Residency

General Surgery Residency On-Line Handbook

Resident Development Fund

FY22 Resident and Fellow Development Funds Effective 9/1/2021


  • Each postgraduate physician trainee will be provided up to $1000 annually toward their professional development
  • These funds DO NOT roll over and accumulate year-to-year
  • One trainee’s funds cannot be combined with other trainee’s funds to increase the overall amount

Purpose and uses:

These funds are to be used to enhance the trainee’s education and development as a clinician. They should NOT be treated as a bonus or incentive payment.

These Development Funds (RFDF) may be used for reimbursement of the following:

  1. Education Material
    1. Textbooks/eBooks using UTMB purchasing tenets
    2. Board review materials or Question banks
    3. Journal subscriptions
    4. Pocket reference materials either electronic or print
  2. Clothing
    1. Monogram jacket per residency
    2. Monogramming for white coat
  3. Equipment
    1. Set of “loops,” lead glasses, or headlight
    2. One stethoscope/dermatoscope/diagnostic set/reflex hammer
  4. Dues/fees
    1. Membership in one professional society/organization
    2. ACLS/BLC/ATLS/ALSO training if required by the residency program
    3. Conference (national/state/local) registration and travel if the resident has an accepted presentation or is an officer of the organization or one workshop/course registration if focused on development of a specific skill(s) not offered in the training program
    4. Board review courses
    5. USMLE Step 3/board exam fees while in the training program

Resident/Fellow Development Funds will NOT be reimbursed for the following: lead aprons/equipment currently supplied by the health system, medical licensing fees, ECFMG certificates, or immigration documents.

Departments may supplement RFDF with annual distributions from endowments specifically designated for residency education. Individual endowment holders must get permission from the Provost’s office to use those endowment funds to supplement RFDF.

June 2021
Updated 8/25/2021