Associate Dean for Community Affairs, Dell Medical School
Professor and Chair, Department of Population Health
The University of Texas at Austin, Dell Medical School, Austin, TX
Adjunct Professor, HSCEP, Family Medicine El Paso
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX
BIRCWH Scholar: 2006-2006
Research Topics: Cancer prevention.
Funding Obtained:
- NIH/NCI; Grant ID: K07CA107052 ($630,929); Colorectal cancer screening in a diverse population (2006-2012).
- Sponsor: Susan G. Komen Foundation; Grant: $91,174; Awareness of breast cancer and screening (2012-2013).
- Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas; Grant ID: PP110156 ($2,683,123); ACCION: Against Colorectal Cancer in our Neighborhoods (2011-2014).
- Paso Del Norte Health Foundation; Grant: $110,292; Institute for health living (2013-2014).
- Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas; Grant ID: PP130083 ($1,096,011); De casa en casa: Preventing cervical cancer in El Paso and Hudspeth County program (2013-2016).
- Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas; Grant ID: PP130068 ($1,098,920); El Paso and Hudspeth County breast cancer education, screening, and navigation program (BEST) (2013-2016).
- Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas; Grant ID: PP140164 ($1,499,438); ACCION 2 (2014-2017).
- NIH/NCI; Grant ID: R21 CA178506-01A1 ($367,182); Colorectal cancer screening: A new web-based decision-making strategy for low literacy and Hispanic populations (2014-2016).
- Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas; Grant: $1,499,150; Es tiemp de vacunarte! Time to get vaccinated! (2014-2017).
Navkiran Shokar's Publications