Erin Vaughan, nurse clinician III, League City Pediatric and Family Primary Care, shares about her family’s White Elephant Gift Exchange. The rules, she says, are simple. First of all, everyone brings a wrapped gift. Then...
- Place a number for each person in a basket and allow everyone to choose. Whoever chooses No. 1 goes first. No. 1 may select any of the unwrapped gifts.
- Whoever selected No. 2 can either take the opened gift or unwrap another gift. If the guest takes No. 1’s gift, then No. 1 gets to select another gift from the pile.
- No. 3 can either take from No. 1 or No. 2 or get a new gift and so on.
- Each time a gift is taken away from someone, that person gets to select again. The guest may select any gift except the one that was just taken away. The guest may however, have the opportunity to select it again later.
- Some gifts may get stolen several times. The fourth person to get a gift keeps it. No more swiping the gift. The gift is frozen.
- Since No. 1 didn’t get to steal from anyone, that guest gets to go last and swap if he/she wants to. The only gift No. 1 can’t take is a frozen gift.