Image with colorful stars that says winner

Congrats to colorectal cancer screening competition winners!

The Community and Population Health Department in partnership with Ambulatory Operations and Process Improvement would like to announce the winners of the Colorectal Cancer Screening Competition!  

We ran two versions of the competition—one for Adult Primary Care and one for Women’s Health. Awards were given based on the most completed colorectal cancer screenings and the clinic with the highest improvement rate. 

And the winners are … 

Adult Primary Care

  • Texas City Primary and Specialty Care Clinic (for most completed) 

  • UTMB Health Primary Care, Bay Colony (for most improved) 

Women’s Health

  • Ob/GYN Faculty Group Practice at the University Health Clinics (for most completed) 

  • Angleton Danbury Campus Women's Health (for most improved) 

 Congratulations to these clinics for winning! 

— Craig S. Kovacevich, Associate Vice President,
Alternative Care Models Optimization
