Before we get lost in the merriment of the holiday season, it's time to announce the winners of our spooktacular “Flu Before You Boo” and "Gobble, Wobble and Stick" flu-fighting contests.
Drumroll, please!
Our Flu Before You Boo award goes to Webster CBC Family Medicine Clinic for their spine-tingling accomplishment of administering the most flu vaccines for the month of October. They’ve conjured up a true masterpiece that’s hauntingly good!
And congratulations to our Give Thanks winner: Geriatrics House Call PGM-PCP for the most-improved vaccinatoin rate. Despite not receiving their flu vaccine supplies on time, this team's commitment and enthusiasm to catch up made all the difference.
Our winners truly set a new standard for what it means to be a FLU FIGHTER.
Thank you everyone who participated and made this more than just a contest, but a celebration of health and community. Your efforts have not only brought smiles but also health and wellness to your patients and our community. Your efforts are a reminder of the amazing things we can achieve together. Keep up the good work and make your clinic shine as bright as Rudolph’s red nose as we fly through the holiday season.
There is still one more opportunity for UTMB’s Population Health Department’s Flu Vaccine Contest: Stay Spooky, Give Thanks, and Jingle All the Way to a Flu Free Holiday.
Stay Merry and Flu Free: The Final Opportunity
Contest Period: Dec. 1-31, 2023
Contest Goal: The clinic that has merriest holiday patients because they are flu free and have the best overall vaccine rate in the month of December.
We are stuffed with gratitude for all who participated in October and November’s contests, and now we cannot wait to see which clinic will jingle the loudest in December!
Thank you for all you do every day and for helping our patients’ holiday season be the fullest and merriest by staying FLU FREE!
— Craig Kovacevich, associate vice president
Alternative Care Models Optimization