Headshot of man in suit

Kudos, Dr. Mansfield!

From the Health System Executive Leadership meeting on March 26:

Deborah Jones, senior vice president & dean and chief integration officer, gave a shout-out to UTMB's new Vice President & System Chief Nursing Executive Dr. Jerry Mansfield, who was recognized recently for his board service.  Jerry has served two elected terms on the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

"He was one of the first practice partners that we added to ACNN's board, which is made up of national deans, and we look at academic nursing. That's education, practice and research," said Jones, who also is on the ACNN board.

"Jerry was one of the first members from practice and set the standard for any other members from practice who now serve on the board. Jerry has been a valuable member of this committee and this board,"Jones said. "So I just want to recognize him for his service and representing UTMB."

As a a practice member-at-large on the ACNN board, Jerry ensured that the voice of the practice of nursing in health care systems and the continuum of care was known.
