September 21, 2010

Shots fired exercise

On Tuesday, Sept. 28, the UTMB Police Department will conduct a training exercise involving a simulated shooting incident... read article »

University of Texas Community Outreach raises diabetes awareness

The University of Texas Community Outreach (UTCO) was recently recognized for helping to address the crucial problem of diabetes among Texan citizans... read article »

Austin Women’s Hospital receives accolades

The staff at Austin Women’s Hospital had a lot to celebrate recently during World Breastfeeding Week. The facility was recently... read article »

 September 23, 2010

Burn doctor inspired by patients

As a professor of surgery and the Jesse H. Jones distinguished chair in burn surgery at UTMB, and chief of staff and director of research at Shriners Hospitals for Children-Galveston... read article »

Blood pressure drugs could help fight frailty

UTMB researchers believe they’ve found a way to use widely available blood pressure drugs to fight the muscular weakness... read article »

UTMB receives over $4 million in funding for cancer research

The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) presented a check to Dr. James Goodwin and Dr. Robert Ullrich on behalf... read article »

UTMB mourns passing of Dr. Thomas N. James

The UTMB community recently mourned the passing of Dr. Thomas N. James, a visionary leader who served as the university’s third president from 1987 to 1997. James, a pioneering cardiology researcher who guided UTMB to much growth as president in the latter part of the 20th century... read article »

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Contact Impact

Impact is UTMB’s bi-weekly newsletter focused on celebrating the accomplishments of UTMB’s faculty, staff and students.

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2010 President’s Cabinet Awards

Ten UTMB faculty and staff and one medical student have received seven President’s Cabinet Awards, totaling $210,704, for innovative programs that will help advance the university’s patient care, educational and biomedical research missions... more »

School of Health Professions honors graduates

The UTMB School of Health Professions recently held its commencement ceremonies at Moody Gardens.  A total of 121 students graduated,... read article »

UTMB dedicates clinic for women and children

The UTMB Regional Maternal and Child Health Program recented hosted a special dedication ceremony and ribbon cutting for the Regional Maternal and... read article »