September 21, 2010

75 UTMB doctors named among nation’s best

An extensive peer review has identified 75 doctors from UTMB as Best Doctors in America.   The annual peer-to-peer survey identifies... read article »

Sharing the love

When it comes to charitable events, the staff in Research Services has fund-raising down to a science. The equation is simple: appetizing treats +... read article »

 February 16, 2010

In the trenches

The rigors of medical school are legendary – long hours, little sleep, limitless dedication and a taxing amount of brain power.... read article »

Generational connections

We all have heard stories of a long-ago, simpler time when doctors made house calls and their patients grew up under their watchful... read article »

Long days, learning for UTMB resident

As a religious man, Mark Fisher didn’t have to ponder too long in deciding upon a career path. What better way, he thought, than... read article »

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Contact Impact

Impact is UTMB’s bi-weekly newsletter focused on celebrating the accomplishments of UTMB’s faculty, staff and students.

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Bill Elger – not your traditional CFO

His story is the classic American story – strong Midwestern values in a strong family who regards hard work and education as a means of getting ahead, and holds a firm conviction that overcoming challenges is what makes life meaningful.  And challenges were aplenty for him. Elger’s... more »