Congratulations to newly-elected officers for the Employee Advisory Council (EAC) — Chair Frank Valiulis; Vice Chair Tilly Clark; Vice Chair for Operations Neal Cooper; and Vice Chair for Communications Mary Schlobohm. Schlobohm, who represents the Academic Enterprise, was appointed to the EAC in January to fill an unexpired term.
Thanks to past Chair Julie Cantini; Vice Chair of Operations Frank Valiulis; and Vice Chair of Communications Janet Gonzalez for their year of service as officers.
The EAC, which is sponsored and endorsed by the Office of the President, promotes a positive and collaborative work environment committed to assessing, prioritizing and communicating employees’ needs. It serves as a sounding board or advisory group to provide a feedback loop on broad issues and potential new programs that impact all employees.
To request an Engage and Chat for your area, which explains how EAC serves UTMB employees, contact an EAC representative by clicking on your entity on the EAC web site.