Thanks to a $1.3 million agreement, researchers from UTMB’s National Biocontainment Training Center will embark on a two-year research development program to collaborate with and help train Cuban scientists at the Instituto Pedro Kouri in Havana to better fight infectious diseases, including the Zika virus, which is currently infecting millions internationally.
The program, at UTMB’s National Biocontainment Training Center, will develop scientists’ capabilities to work on a range of emerging infectious diseases, such as dengue and chikungunya.
The agreement will allow UTMB to:
The initiative is being underwritten by The Atlantic Philanthropies, a global foundation established by Chuck Feeney, co-founder of Duty Free Shoppers.
“UTMB is proud to be in the vanguard of scientists who will lead the fight against diseases that affect both our nations,” said Dr. David L. Callender, president of UTMB.
Christopher G. Oechsli, president and CEO of Atlantic, said, “Atlantic has long been engaged in fostering collaboration between the U.S. and Cuba on health issues that affect our two nations and populations globally. This partnership between two leading medical research institutions will build upon that base by focusing on prevention and treatment of real and present threats to regional and global health.”
Scott Weaver, PhD, director of UTMB’s Institute for Human Infections and Immunity, noted that “the recent escalation of Zika virus infections and awareness throughout the Caribbean demonstrates the importance of enhancing infectious disease research and workforce development throughout the region.”
Weaver noted that UTMB’s National Biocontainment Training Center has trained hundreds of scientists from UTMB, other laboratories in the U.S. and institutions from 30 countries worldwide.
David Niesel, PhD, chief research officer at UTMB, said that the program with Cuba “begins a scientific chapter of cooperation that will eventually result in Cuban and U.S. scientists being better prepared to combat emerging diseases.”
Callender noted that, with the expected increase in commercial air travel and tourism between the U.S. and Cuba, “enhancing the capabilities of scientists in Cuba to prevent and treat diseases is even more important. The value of stronger ties between Texas and Cuba, as exemplified by Gov.Greg Abbott’s recent trip to Cuba, is something UTMB wishes to encourage, particularly when it comes to the health of our populations.”