After a successful run that spanned five decades, the final Impact was published in January 2020.  Impact was UTMB Health’s employee newsletter. It evolved from a one color printed tabloid newspaper to a full color magazine with a digital component. We’ve archived the past several years on these pages for your review and enjoyment.


Impact is for and about the people who fulfill UTMB’s mission to improve health in Texas and around the world. We hope you enjoy reading this issue. Let us know what you think!

Callender, David15

From the President

Jun 20, 2017, 06:21 AM by User Not Found

Callender, David15I’d like to take a moment to thank all of our faculty and staff for your outstanding, ongoing commitment to improving health for the people of Texas and around the world.

On May 31, we honored 1,719 employees who have achieved significant service milestones and 538 GEM card recipients at one of my favorite events of the year—Employee Service Day. This edition of Impact includes an article on the annual celebration and highlights seven remarkable employees who have given 45 years of service to the university! It also includes the winner of this year’s Nicholas and Katherine Leone Award for Administrative Excellence, which recognizes a manager or supervisor who displays the highest degree of professionalism.

It’s through all of our employees’ hard work and passion to help others that UTMB has become the world-class teaching, research and health care delivery center that it is today. This month celebrates the one-year anniversary of our League City Campus Hospital, and you’ll see in the Parting Shot section of this issue how the campus is continuing to grow to serve the needs of our community today—and into the future.

Among the other stories in this issue:

  • A Day in the Life of Glynnis Glover, a linen services tech with the UTMB Laundry Department
  • A profile of Mari Robinson, UTMB’s director of telehealth
  • A mid-year Best Care update from Health System leadership
  • A UTMB Correctional Managed Care and Texas Department of Criminal Justice program to help female offenders bond with their newborns and reduce recidivism
  • UTMB leaders “Walk a Mile” in nurses’ shoes as part of Health System and Nurses Week
  • A research study that discovered many pregnant women are unaware of how the Zika virus can spread
  • Our Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences awards 49 degrees at commencement
  • Tips on how to protect yourself from the Zika virus by two leading researchers from UTMB
  • Numerous accomplishments and kudos in the Working Wonders column and throughout the newsletter

I hope you enjoy this issue, and please let the Impact team know if you have any story suggestions for future editions. Thank you!

Dr. David L. Callender
UTMB President
