President David Callender launched his “Pulse” video update series in May to keep the UTMB family up-to-date on issues affecting the organization. In July, those videos covered:
August 14
The announcement regarding UTMB’s letter of intent to negotiate to lease the Bay Area Regional Medical Center building in Webster.
August 21
A discussion of the preliminary findings from Huron, a consulting group that’s helping UTMB think about how its Institutional Support areas and Academic Enterprise can become more efficient.
There are multiple ways to access Dr. Callender’s video updates. In addition to the recap in Weekly Relays, you can watch and listen to the videos from Please use a modern web browser for the best experience. If you are at a PC without audio or speakers, closed captioning on the videos can be turned “On” and “Off” by clicking the “CC” symbol in the video player tool bar (the symbol displays once you hit “play,” on the right side of the tool bar). Closed captioning is now on by default.
You can also access the transcripts on the Pulse website to read the messages; a transcript accompanies each video. If you are a social media user, the videos (with subtitles) are posted to the UTMB employee Facebook page, I Am UTMB. Facebook will display captions if you mute the sound.
There are multiple ways to access Dr. Callender’s video updates. In addition to the recap in Weekly Relays, you can watch and listen to the videos from Please use a modern web browser for the best experience. If you are at a PC without audio or speakers, closed captioning on the videos can be turned “On” and “Off” by clicking the “CC” symbol in the video player tool bar (the symbol displays once you hit “play,” on the right side of the tool bar). Closed captioning is now on by default.
You can also access the transcripts on the Pulse website to read the messages; a transcript accompanies each video. If you are a social media user, the videos (with subtitles) are posted to the UTMB employee Facebook page, I Am UTMB. Facebook will display captions if you mute the sound.