Thanks to your efforts, UTMB is considered a leading academic medical center in our state, focused on providing exemplary patient care, research innovations and educational excellence.
Economically speaking, our institution’s contributions to our local communities, to the counties we serve and to the state of Texas are significant as well. According to an economic impact study released in June, each year UTMB generates $3.3 billion in business volume, $2 billion in personal income and creates 46,242 jobs both directly and indirectly across the state. (There will be more in-depth coverage of the report’s findings in an upcoming issue of Impact.)
While the economic contributions of UTMB are relevant and impressive, it’s our mission that drives us. The opening of League City Campus Hospital last month enabled us to further our work of improving health for people in our region. As of July 11, the numerous health care professionals at the new hospital had already welcomed 51 new babies into the world, a feat worthy of recognition and celebration.
You can learn more about the great work being done at the LCC Hospital in this latest issue of Impact, along with stories about our people. Among them:
A day in the life of Nina Hernandez, physical therapist at UTMB’s Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation clinic on the League City Campus
- A profile of Marcel Blanchard, associate vice president for Utilities Operations
- How Correctional Managed Care responded to significant recent flooding in Southeast Texas
- An overview of a program aimed at reducing medical errors and improving care through a team approach to diagnostic management
- A reminder about the implementation of campus carry at UTMB, which takes effect on Aug. 1
- A closer look at the School of Medicine’s commencement ceremony in early June, where more than 200 graduates heard from Dr. Thomas Geisbert
- Beach safety tips by Dr. Madiha Khan, assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine
- Numerous accomplishments and kudos in the Working Wonders column and throughout the newsletter
I hope you enjoy reading this latest issue, and please let the Impact team know if you have story suggestions for future editions. Thank you!
Dr. David L. Callender
UTMB President