This is a new feature in Impact focused on highlighting the "hidden talents" among UTMB's employees. If you have a hidden talent—or know someone who does—please tell us at Thanks!
Name: Vince Falco
UTMB Talent: Nurse: Jennie Sealy Hospital 10A Internal Medicine
Hidden Talent: Unicyclist extraordinaire
If you work on the Galveston Campus, you may have witnessed UTMB nurse Vince Falco riding a unicycle to and from Jennie Sealy Hospital. He first picked up unicycling after serving four years in the U.S. Coast Guard, when he was looking to try something less regimented and structured. The hobby quickly became a passion, as he realized his unique talent was a “great conversation starter and puts a smile on everyone’s face.” Some of his “uni” highlights include raising money for an orphanage in Uganda while riding and juggling on an inner city street corner in Houston, attempting a 420-mile ride across Iowa, dressing up as a giraffe and unicycling as part of the Fourth of July Parade in Galveston, and riding his unicycle into his very own wedding reception. His advice to others: “It’s half as easy as riding a bicycle, so get out there and try it!”