Wei-Chen (Miso) Lee, PhD is a health disparities analyst at the Department of Internal Medicine, an adjunct assistant professor at the Department of Pediatric, and an affiliated faculty of Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at
UTMB. She has received her bachelor's and master's degrees in Public Health from National Taiwan University and her PhD in Health Services Research (HSR) from Texas A&M Health Science Center. She employs the triad framework (access, cost, and
quality) to address current and emerging topics in the field of HSR. In particular, her research focuses on health disparities that disproportionately affect rural, aging, racial minorities, and people with disabilities. With her outstanding research
experiences, she was honored to be selected as one of the 2018 National Rural Health Fellows and one of the grant reviewers for grants issued by the Texas State Office of Rural Health.
In addition to her academic affiliations, Miso is a State-Certified Community Health Worker (CHW), Community Health Worker Instructor (CHWI), and Long-Term Care Ombudsman. She has been one of the organizers of the UTMB's Conference on Migration
and Health since 2018. She also has served in several statewide and national committees including the Governing Council of TPHA, the Advisory Committee of AcademyHealth Disparities IG, the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Collaborative for Health Equity:
Action, Research and Generating Evidence of AAMC, the Committee on Health Equity and Social Justice of APHA, and the UTMB Representative of Health Disparities, Education, Awareness, Research & Training Consortium. At her leisure, she likes reading,
listening to music, and playing with her cat Reef.