Give where you live

Home is where the heart is

Several years ago, we worked to find a way to allow UTMB employees working across the state to give to agencies and causes in the communities where they live and work.

With four campuses, a large network of Correctional Managed Care sites, and staff working at 90+ clinics serving communities throughout the region, the effort proved popular. Our hope is that it will once again have a significant positive impact in many new places.

How it Works

The State Employee Charitable Campaign divides the state into campaign areas. Galveston Island is one campaign area. The rest of Galveston County, Brazoria County and Greater Houston are another area. Seventeen campaign regions blanket Texas in total.

The majority of charities that are part of the annual campaign are called "statewide charities." They are statewide or national in scope, and are shared in common by all the regions. However, in addition to these shared agencies, each of the individual areas has a group of local charities that are part of the campaign for that specific region. For example, the local charities in the Galveston campaign have included choices as varied as our local food bank, St. Vincent's House, the ADA Women's Center, Ronald McDonald House and the Galveston Island Humane Society. Other regions have similar choices that typically serve needs within a specific community.

Your gifts are welcome wherever you choose to direct them. With a few extra--but simple--steps, you can give to any SECC local charity in the state. Here's how:

Step 1:

Visit the SECC Statewide site and search the charities (including local agencies). Review your options and select your local agency, agencies or charitable group, and jot down the agency code(s) and name(s).

Step 2:

Visit the UTMB SECC online giving form or the Credit/Debit Card form and select the agency or group you noted in Step 1. The choices in the dropdown menus on UTMB’s form will include all statewide agencies, Galveston local agencies, and local agencies from other campaign regions.

Or, you could jot down and copy the agency codes onto our UTMB paper pledge form, if you prefer.

You’ll be able to use your payment card or payroll deduction and support the charity of your choice simply and easily, regardless of where you live or work.


Questions or problems?
Want to use a paper pledge form?
Need assistance?

Please contact or call (409) 747-2734.