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Sigma Xi UTMB Chapter
The Galveston Sigma Xientific Post

The Sigma Xi Galveston Chapter is the local chapter of the prestigious scientific research honor society, comprised of world-renowned scientists from a wide range of disciplines. Our chapter is proud to announce The Galveston Scientific Post as an online science communication platform for articles on novel science and technology, scientific concerns, and exciting scientific discoveries.  The primary goal of this initiative is to bridge the gap between the valued and busy citizens of Galveston/Houston area, and those engaged in scientific research, to provide expert opinion, critique, and analysis on pertinent scientific topics. The second goal of our platform is to provide an opportunity for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to build a strong science writing portfolio.

Importantly, these brief articles will be reviewed by our editorial board to ensure accuracy and clarity. Articles on The Galveston Scientific Post will be culturally and scientifically relevant and will provide a means by which the public can consume reliable scientific information from a credible source.   

In the spirit of brevity, articles will be a maximum of 600 words and be accompanied by a three bullet point summary. At least 5 keywords will accompany the article as well as any references used in the articles (highly encouraged). Comments from our editorial team will be returned within two weeks of submission, and articles selected for publication will be edited for improvement and for a graphical abstract.

The Sigma Xi Galveston Chapter invites students and postdoctoral fellows at UTMB to submit articles to serve our surrounding community. We hope The Galveston Scientific Post will be provide a strong foundation for scientific information, discussion, and transparency.

We look forward to your submissions,

The Galveston Scientific Post Editorial Board

Submission Requirements

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. What is the timeline for submission of an article?
    • Call for Articles: Quarterly
    • Receipt of submission: 1 Business Day
    • Editorial Comments: 1-2 Weeks
    • Revision and Graphics: 1 Week