Explore the UTMB Interprofessional Simulation Center
Ground Floor - Ambulance Bay
An ambulance bay for interprofessional collaboration and the practice of the transfer of care.
Second Floor- Clinical Skills Training Complex
The second floor focus is on the principles of clinical skill development that all students at UTMB are required to perfect in order to pursue a career in one of the health professions. This floor houses a virtual skills lab, where students work on high-fidelity simulators to develop expertise in the skills needed to deliver safe patient care.
Third Floor – Women and Children’s Health Simulation Complex
This floor is designed specifically around the health needs of women and children -- to provide the very best in obstetrical and gynecological training, as well as birth, neonatal, and pediatric care training for our students. By practicing techniques using manikins, students are able to refine their skills on complex cases in low-risk environments. Special features on this floor include a simulated nursing station and a model living suite for simulating home healthcare.
Fourth Floor – Standardized Patient Training Complex
On the fourth floor, students work with specially trained actors who simulate a wide range of medical conditions. This helps build students' diagnostic skills and teaches them to see each patient as a distinct individual, reinforcing the value of compassion in health care. The floor features patient waiting areas, examination rooms, and recreates the environment of a working clinic to provide students with realistic training before entering the workforce.
Fifth Floor – Critical Care Simulation Complex
The top floor is designed to prepare students for the most critical of all patient care scenarios, from the operating room to the critical care unit. Students learn how to work in teams to train to care for the most fragile of human conditions. Special features on this floor include simulated operating rooms (OR) that resemble the OR suites in the Jennie Sealy Hospital, simulated Intensive Care Unit (ICU) unit, and a simulated ICU nursing station.