Sexual Assault Awareness Month

ACT Do the right thing

April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. UTMB’s Bystander Intervention Program “ ACT! Do the right thing” encourages everyone to Assist, Call for help, or Tell someone when there is an issue. Additional information can be found in UTMB IHOP Policy 03.02.04: Sexual Misconduct Policy.


UTMB’s Title IX Office will also have an informational table with giveaways at the upcoming UTMB Annual Crawfish Boil on April 11, 2024. We look forward to speaking with students at this event. 

Cartoon crawfish in cooking pot
Lee Hage Jamail Student Center

Mailing Address:
301 University Boulevard
Galveston, Texas 77555-1316
(409) 747-9055
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