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Dr. Konofos and Dr. Marwan Co-Authored a Research Article for Biomedicines

Mar 22, 2024, 15:11 PM by John Carstens

Dr. Petros Konofos and and Dr. Hisham Marwan co-authored a research article titled: “Odontogenic Sarcomas of the Mandible” for the journal Biomedicines. 

Odontogenic sarcomas, comprising less than 5% of Maxillofacial Sarcomas, are rare and often affect younger individuals, commonly in the posterior mandible. They present as large, ill-defined radiolucent lesions. Diagnosis can be challenging, with surgery being the mainstay treatment. The role of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is uncertain. The abstract discusses the case of a 30-year-old female patient with odontogenic sarcoma impacting her airway, detailing treatment and postoperative outcomes. 

The research article can be viewed here

A message from Dr. Marwan: 

"Head and neck sarcomas are incredibly rare, and odontogenic sarcoma is one of the rarest forms, with no clear guidelines for managing the disease. Despite this, we were able to treat a patient with a large mandibular sarcoma that had invaded the infratemporal space, thanks to the exceptional expertise of our team at UTMB. Our advanced surgical techniques allowed the patient to leave the hospital with an excellent quality of life. We shared our experience in a special edition of head and neck sarcoma, showcasing the benefits of our innovative approach. We are grateful for our team's contributions and expertise in managing this rare and devastating condition."