UTMB Anesthesiology Critical Care Fellowship Program

Journal Club Interdisciplinary Monthly Journal Club Format

Interdisciplinary Critical Care Journal Club, includes all Critical Care supspecialty programs including: Pulmonary, Surgery, Burns, and Anesthesiology Critical Care. We agreed to continue the journal club on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 4 pm. For organization, each attending critical care physician are assigned a critical care fellow outside of their primary specialty.

The attending critical care physician chooses an article for discussion and distributes to the group. The attending physician and the fellow decide whether the physician or fellow or both will present the article. 

The general format will be as follows:

  1. Clinical or basic science context for the study (previous studies, clinical importance of the topic) – usually 2-3 slides
  2. Methods (including statistical management), key findings and conclusions – usually 4-5 slides
  3. Potential impact of the study on practice at UTMB – usually 2-3 slides