Request Services Service Offerings: Tissue Collection Requirements for Investigator-Initiated Tissue Collections—PLEASE READ CAREFULLYAn IRB-approved protocol, IRB exemption letter, or IRB determination of non-regulatory activity or non-human subject research is required prior to tissue collection set-up.Email requesting a Preliminary Study Meeting.All tissue collection studies require a signed User Agreement and a signed Specification Plan that must be approved and signed by the Biorepository Director and the Principal Investigator.Obtain the appropriate training, approval, equipment and supplies to work with human tissue and or fluids. Specimen Storage Requirements for Specimen Storage—PLEASE READ CAREFULLYComplete Specimen Storage Request Form.All tissue collection studies require an approved Storage Request Form and a User Agreement signed by both the PI and Biorepository Director. Research Histology Requirements for Research Histology Requests—PLEASE READ CAREFULLYTechnician consult is required for specimen drop-off. Drop off hours are Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm. Technicians can be paged for consultation/specimen drop-off using the Research Histology workstation phone.Request form must be submitted prior to technician consult.Expected turn-around time for cases requesting less than 50 slides is 5 days. For cases requesting more than 50 slides, special stains or IHC the expected turnaround time will be discussed at the time of specimen drop-off. Multiple cases received from the same lab within a 7-day period will be counted as 1 request for turnaround time purposes.Requests for IHC staining on human-tissue (cannot be performed on animal tissue, currently) must be approved by Biorepository Director.Requirements for Digital Imaging Requests—PLEASE READ CAREFULLYTechnician consult is required for specimen drop-off. Drop off hours are Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm. Technicians can be paged for consultation/specimen drop-off by using the Research Histology workstation phone.Request form must be submitted prior to technician consult.External hard drive must be provided at slide drop-off.Expected turn-around time for cases requesting less than 50 images is 5 days. For cases requesting more than 50 images, the expected turnaround time will be discussed at the time of specimen drop-off. Research Electron Microscopy Pathologist consultation is required for project set-up. Request form must be submitted prior to pathologist consultation. Fee Schedules Current Biorepository Fee ScheduleCurrent Research Histology Fee ScheduleCurrent Electron Microscopy Fee Schedule Request Forms Research Histology Request FormDigital Pathology Request FormResearch Electron Microscopy Request Form