Tissue Collection
The UTMB Biorepository provides assistance with protcol-specific, or investigator-initiated, specimen collections. The protocol must be IRB-approved, even if your research study has not yet been fully defined. The biorepository can provide some guidance in creating the protocol to include using the biorepository to support collection and/or storage. All requests for tissue collection are reviewed by the Biorepository Advisory Committee for approval. Specimens collected under investigator-initiated protocols can be added to the UTMB Biobank Collection for community use, if so desired by the investigator.
Specimen Processing
Specimen processing for general blood and bodily fluids, including urine and swabs are also offered by the Biorepository. Processing fees vary based on the complexity of the processing requested. Specimens are provided back to the research lab or they can be stored in the Biorepository for future research use.