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Manaus Sampling Site Click on image to view full sized photo.
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sm_Virus by the river meeting of the team copy 2 sm_Monkey eyeing sampling platform copy adj_DSC08227 copy adj_20180430_160333 copy adj_20180430_160417 copy sm_Raising of BG trap for mosquito collection collection at 15 meters hight copy sm_Platform complete copy sm_Vasilakis in Rio Pardo, Amazonas sm_custom cage for the rearing of Hemagogus species mosquitos - Manaus copy adj_IMG_4240 copy adj_DSC08201 copy adj_IMG_4099 copy
sm_sample food for the monkeys adj_20180329_175836 copy sm_Preping of BG trap for sampling at UFAM copy sm_Young monitoring mosquito trap copy sm_Marcelo bleeding monkey sm_Lifting food tray to the sampling platform for the monkeys  copy sm_Kathy, Katie & Nikos sorting mosquitoes in longhouse in Borneo sm_Hanley Vasilakis and Yound sampling Glomerida (pill millipede) in Borneo adj_CEVA copy adj_Campus da UFAM copy adj_IMG_6685 copy adj_DSC08219 copy
sm_Kathy with field notebook sm_construction of platform for sampling monkeys copy sm_finishing construction of monkey sampling platform at 10 meter -CIGS sm_Hendy on sampling platform copy sm_Eduardo raising a trap in Brazil sm_Hanley and Eduardo in sampling in UFAM, Manaus copy adj_IMG_6653 copy adj_DSC08230 copy adj_IMG_4299 copy adj_IMG_4101 copy adj_IMG_5989 copy



CREATE-NEO members

The Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Disease (CREID) is a coordinated network with centers in regions around the globe where emerging and re-emerging infectious disease outbreaks are likely to occur. Multidisciplinary teams of investigators will conduct pathogen/host surveillance, study pathogen transmission, pathogenesis and immunologic responses in the host, and will develop reagents and diagnostic assays for improved detection for important emerging pathogens and their vectors.

NIAID launched the CREID Network in 2020.This website is run by CREATE-NEO, a member of the CREID Network independent of NIH/NIAID.