Hendy on sampling platform_sub_banner


University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston Click on image to view full sized photo.
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sm_Vasilakis Reading plaques in containment
sm_Vasilakis - feeding mosquitoes on Zika infected monkey copy



CREATE-NEO members

The Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Disease (CREID) is a coordinated network with centers in regions around the globe where emerging and re-emerging infectious disease outbreaks are likely to occur. Multidisciplinary teams of investigators will conduct pathogen/host surveillance, study pathogen transmission, pathogenesis and immunologic responses in the host, and will develop reagents and diagnostic assays for improved detection for important emerging pathogens and their vectors.

NIAID launched the CREID Network in 2020.This website is run by CREATE-NEO, a member of the CREID Network independent of NIH/NIAID.